Tuesday, 19 August 2008

The Evolutionists VS. The Creationists

I just finished watching the third and final instalment of Professor Richard Dawkins' documentary series "The Genius of Charles Darwin" and I feel what I can only describe as "fortified".

Let me elaborate - since my teenage years or to be more accurate, since I began learning about science in secondary school, I have always been an atheist but have never really considered the implications of this within the grand scheme of other religions. It's pretty late right now so I'll write more and add pictures later but for now, all I want to say is that I feel really happy because a lot of questions (that I didn't even know were there) have been answered. I wish there were more people out there like Professor Dawkins (perhaps a bit less militant, but the same in every other way).

My first blog article - it's been a long time coming but I've finally got around to starting it!

I've been faffing around for ages trying to think of how to start this blog but I just thought fuck it you know, just start writing and stop trying to wait for "an auspicious occasion" as my dear parents would say.So basically, the premise for this blog is just stuff that gets my mind ticking in the daily grind that is life.

A foreword about this blog, I may not be particularly articulate (or more heinous than that, accurate even) at times but as this blog develops and time passes, I aspire to write about my thoughts and feelings with greater clarity and coherence.

While I’m making my prologue, I might as well add in my apologies in advance for the sheer geekiness and verbosity of some of the content that you may read here. I am unashamedly one of the geekiness people walking on the thin crust that comprises the surface of this quaint little planet but that’s me I’m afraid, it’s geek chic and I’m proud of it. Happy reading!